Alina Astilean App

Create a workout routine you can stick to
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Create a workout routine you can stick to

Introducing the Alina Astilean app
Whether you’re someone who likes a new workout routine every week or someone who wants a more guided program. Whether you’re brand new to working out or have been doing this for awhile. My app has a training structure to suit your goals perfectly.  We’ll focus on tutorials to learn how to do new movements you may not have yet mastered, like pull-ups, push-ups and pistol squats, form corrections on major exercises to make sure you’re getting the most efficient burn from each, all while staying safe and avoiding injuries. Plus get weekly WOD’s, for those of you who like short, more intense pieces to hit. My app also includes a nutrition guide so you can learn how to eat more, eat right, and lose weight.
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Full-body training 
programs shown on a device

Full-body training programs

Train a different set of muscle groups every day with these workouts.

Fit & Fun Program

4-Week Home Program

4-Week Gym Program

4-Week Cross Train Program

PLUS, new workouts every week!

All-access pass to premium features

My app is one of the highest-rated on the App Store (and there’s a reason for that).

Ask me questions in the app

Easy-to-follow videos

​Download workouts for offline

​Stream workouts to your TV

​Track your progress & collect health data

​Share sweaty selfies to Instagram

All-access pass to 
premium features shown on a device

Join my community today!

  • Needless to say, working out with Alina has always challenged me, but in a good way! She always encouraged me to do things I never thought I could and at my own pace, which I appreciated because it turns out I could do more than I thought I was capable of.
  • The thought of exercising was really daunting and I wasn't sure I'd find a trainer I liked or workouts that I'd actually enjoy. Luckily with Alina I've gotten both. She's so thoughtful, smart and strategic. She's incredibly knowledgeable on how the body works, always checking to see how I'm feeling. She also created meal plans for me (that includes keeping carbs in my diet!) to maintain a healthier and well-rounded lifestyle. Lastly, I'm never bored when I'm working out with Alina. She pushes me hard, keeps things fun with varying exercises, really focuses on proper form (can't emphasize this enough... I appreciate this the most about her) and celebrates wins with me.
  • Alina was perfect! Not only does she consistently push me with my workouts, she has a wonderful personality, and coaches me beyond just exercise to give me advice on nutrition and just life in general. She really wants to tackle fitness as a whole - something that you can carry with you outside of the gym.
  • Her workouts are always challenging (sometimes very challenging!), but they're different every time so it never gets boring. Most important for me, she's always encouraging and positive. The biggest barrier to getting in shape for me has always been anxiety about being judged or yelled at, and there's absolutely none of that from Alina. She knows how to motivate clients to work hard without resorting to yelling or being "tough." She also provides nutrition advice/meal plans, but in my case it was a set of guidelines vs. a rigid "Eat this!" This is because we discussed what I would realistically be able to stick to long-term. She treats each client as an individual and caters to their needs, rather than a "one size fits all" approach.
  • Alina is fantastic! Before Alina I felt totally confused about what I could eat and how to work out effectively. I did her online coaching program and she gave me a detailed meal plan and workout plan. She was also super responsive with answering my questions throughout the month via email and modifying the plan as we went based on my progress. I'm now down to my goal weight! I'm also vegetarian and she adjusted my meal plan in order to accommodate that.
  • She's really great at switching things up and motivates you to push yourself. She explains the moves and form, so you actually understand what you are doing and where you should feel it. In a month and a half, I have seen huge improvement in my endurance, strength, flexibility and form. She also provided a nutrition plan that was very enlightening. I've always set short term weight loss goals, for a vacation or event, and would basically crash diet, then gain everything back. Alina is so knowledgeable about what your body actually needs and makes the plan easy to follow. Not only am I achieving my weight loss goal, but I am sleeping better, have a ton more energy, and just feel better in general.
Meet Alina Astilean shown on a device

Meet Alina Astilean

I have been a fitness and nutrition coach for the last 10 years and have worked with thousands of clients on how to master both their exercise and nutrition regimen to feel and look their best.  My approach is geared towards sustainability — essentially helping you create a routine you can realistically stick to in the long run.  I focus both on mental and physical health; teaching you how one can shape the other and the balance you must create to truly achieve your optimal level of health.

Start training with me today!

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