Ashley Horner - Build & Burn Challenge

Build & Burn

4-Week Challenge

00 Days
00 Hours
00 Min
00 Sec

About the challenge

Bringing in 2024 with heat! This program is all about building and burning. Everyday we will build our strength by isolating our main muscle group of the day, working with a variety of rep ranges, and hitting accessory lifting to sculpt. Then each day will end with a grueling HIIT finisher on a treadmill or cardio equipment of your choice.

We will burnnn in 2024 - summer won't be hot enough for you after this 4 week challenge is complete!

It all starts Monday January 8th - Let's Go!

This is my 1st time ever saying many times how proud I am of myself!! Proud of my strength progress, weight loss, determination, will power and confidence! Thank you Ashley and thank you to everyone in this...
Feeling like a million bucks!! I'm obsessed with this program!
HFTM is by far one of my favorite programs. Week 1 felt really weak, but as the weeks went on I felt stronger and stronger. The strength and confidence I earned from this program makes me so proud!
Before this challenge I never thought to even think about signing up for 5k!! But I finished and I'm now looking forward for the next 5k!!!
If you haven't ever signed up for a TYC, do it! If you're looking at trying a new program do it! If you're nervous to try the nutritional app, do it! I waited YEARS (I've been following Ashley since 2012) to...
Special shout out to this group and AH! I appreciate it, and all of you! Thanks AH for creating something so AWESOME! I look forward to it every day!
The weekly challenges are very helpful and keeps me accountable! My water intake has improved greatly. It's become a HABIT. Thank you, Ashley Horner!

🏆 What you can win

There will be THREE Grand Prize winners selected based on before & after photos and engagement during the challenge.

  • 1st Place:

    • $1,000 CASH OR
    • All expenses paid trip to hang out with Ashley & team in VA Beach March, 2024!
    • 1st Phorm Supps
  • 2nd Place: Element 26 Gear

  • 3rd Place: American Brew coffee

🥇 How to win

Three grand prize winners will be selected based on the before & after photos submitted, engagement during the challenge and overall results (mental, physical, or both).

  • Make sure to submit your before & after pics (read below for instructions) along with your goals for the challenge and final testimonial.

  • Share your journey in the exclusive in-app community and/or private Facebook group. Meet other challenge participants, engage in motivational tips, and be a part of the amazing community.

  • Download this graphic after you sign up for the challenge and share it on social. Tag me @ashley.horner, so I can see how you're doing and cheer you on throughout the challenge!

📸 How to Take Before/After Photos

Check out this video for more detailed submission instructions (also found in the program within the app)!

Here are some tips:

  • 1

    Use a neutral background: Select a clean and uncluttered background that won't distract from your physique. A plain wall or a solid-colored backdrop works well.

  • 2

    Wear minimal clothing: Opt for form-fitting clothing like swimwear, sports bra, or shorts. This allows you to see your body shape clearly and provides accurate comparisons later.

  • 3

    Capture different angles: Take photos from the front, back, and both sides to get a comprehensive view of your body. It's helpful to have consistent poses for each angle to ensure accurate comparisons.

  • 4

    Maintain consistency: Take your before photos at the same time of day, under similar conditions, and in the same location each time. This helps to minimize variables and ensures accurate comparisons over time.

  • 5

    Take multiple shots: Capture several photos to have a range of options. This allows you to choose the best ones for comparison and provides more comprehensive documentation of your progress.

  • 6

    Focus on details: In addition to full-body shots, consider taking close-up photos of specific areas you want to track, such as your waist, arms, or legs. These detail shots can help you notice subtle changes.

  • 7

    **When submitting final photos, please use this template to also submit a before/after comparison photo.

✍️ How to enter


Make sure you have my app

Download the app (first 7 days are FREE) to access the Build and Burn Challenge! If you already have the app downloaded, just make sure to submit your before entry on this page, and you’ll automatically have access to the challenge in the Collections section of the app!


Submit before & after photos

Submit before photos & challenge goal by Sunday, Jan 14th, and after photos & tesimonial by Sunday Feb 11th.


Engage on Instagram & Facebook

Follow me on Instagram and tag me in your journey @ashley.horner. Join my Facebook community for support and to cheer each other on.

Real Results

Questions & Answers