Brandi Johnson App

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Train for a strong body & mind
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Today's Peach
Peachy Essentials Vol.1
Peachy Foundation Vol.1
PLUS, new workouts every week!
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My app is one of the highest-rated on the App Store (and there’s a reason for that).
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Meet Brandi Johnson
I'm from a small town in Georgia and I was never the most athletic girl growing up. I loved wakeboarding and snow skiing, but never had any interest in picking up a weight or exercising. It wasn't until I had a friend ask me to go to a cross training class with her. This is where I found my niche in 2012. I competed in a couple of mud runs and then started doing CrossFit. From there, my love for fitness grew and I started training for my first NPC show. At the same time, I began studying for the Nursing Board exam and I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. It has been a struggle to get back my body back to where it was, but with a lot of hard work, patience, and consistency I am finally in a good place. Here we will work to progress our bodies and lives every day!