Brian Pruett App

Faith. Fitness. Impact.

Build lean muscle & strength
Workouts and programs designed to help you achieve greatness.
BFit Shred Program
The BFit Project
Strength Training
HIIT Workouts
PLUS, new workouts every week!
All-access pass to premium features
My app is one of the highest-rated on the App Store (and there’s a reason for that).
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Easy-to-follow videos
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Track your progress & collect health data
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Meet Brian Pruett
Brian is an NASM Certified Personal Trainer Coach with a passion to help people level up and WIN in life. Growing up in sunny Sarasota, Florida, he’s been active in competitive and recreational sports his whole life. He believes in a holistic approach that focuses on the Body, Mind, and Soul, in order to step into the life you were created to live. BFIT is his Elite Coaching Program focusing on fitness, nutrition, mindset. With so many opportunities coming in the near future, his focus remains: making impact and helping people discover their greatness!