Cassie Costa App

Now is the perfect time to REACH for your goals

REACH by Cassie workout programs
Programs range from gym-specific routines to easy-to-follow at home routines, giving you zero excuses not to do it!
Strength & Conditioning
Cardio & HIIT
Boxing Workouts
Mobility & Stretching Routines
PLUS, new workouts every week!
All-access pass to premium features
My app is one of the highest-rated on the App Store (and there’s a reason for that).
Ask me questions in the app
Easy-to-follow videos
Download workouts for offline
Stream workouts to your TV
Track your progress & collect health data
Share sweaty selfies to Instagram

Meet Cassie Costa
My name is Cassie Costa, as a child I was always an athlete, playing soccer and competing in a dance team. My fitness journey truly began when I started college. I fell in love with lifting weights and I was able to change my body weight from 93lbs to 135lbs by the end of my senior year. I couldn’t believe that I was able to make such a drastic change naturally. I decided I wanted to help other people do the same! Today, I am certified with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), one of, if not the most popular fitness certifications in North America! I also got into a new hobby of boxing, so I’ll be able to share some of that kind of training within my programs. I’m excited for each of you to get started on your fitness journey with me!