Colton Rossi App

Workout with confidence

Full-body training programs
Train a different set of muscle groups every day with these workouts.
Leg Days
PLUS, new workouts every week!
All-access pass to premium features
My app is one of the highest-rated on the App Store (and there’s a reason for that).
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Easy-to-follow videos
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Stream workouts to your TV
Track your progress & collect health data
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Meet Colton Rossi
I started my fitness journey at the age of 15. I found great joy in the art of weightlifting/working out. Through sports and regular activities, I found myself inside a gym often. My freshman year of college I fell in love with it. As I was playing football I knew size and strength would help me on the field. I found myself working out twice a day trying to perfect my craft. As the years went by, I learned more and more as I studied the science and different methods that lay behind working out. I received my certification in personal training and became a master trainer for a well-known company LA Fitness. I’ve been very blessed to even have the opportunity to sign with brands and supplement companies such as Ryse, Helimix, and Kill Crew to list a few. As my journey continues, I want to be a part of the start of yours. Tomorrow is not promised it is only predicted, let’s get started today!