Delaney J Fit App

Fall in love with the gym
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Fall in love with the gym

Introducing the Delaney J Fit app
My app will help you increase muscle mass & feel more confident about yourself. It will also help you build a healthy routine in the gym. There will be no more wandering around in the gym not knowing what to do next.
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Workout with me for a full routine that feels good shown on a device

Workout with me for a full routine that feels good

Train a different set of muscle groups every day with these workouts.

Warm Ups

Weight Training



PLUS, new workouts every week!

All-access pass to premium features

My app is one of the highest-rated on the App Store (and there’s a reason for that).

Ask me questions in the app

Easy-to-follow videos

​Download workouts for offline

​Stream workouts to your TV

​Track your progress & collect health data

​Share sweaty selfies to Instagram

All-access pass to 
premium features shown on a device
Meet Delaney J Fit shown on a device

Meet Delaney J Fit

7 years ago my life completely changed. I suffered a bad concussion from ice hockey, and then had to get brain surgery for a chiari malformation. I had to relearn how to read, write, walk, and move my neck again. I used to think that all this happened for the worst. Now I realized that if none of these things happened to me I wouldn’t be where I am today. I wouldn’t be able to inspire others to keeping pushing through those tough moments in life. The type of content you will find on this page will be my workouts through prep. With that you can follow along with my bodybuilding journey, and do the same workouts I am doing. You can also find other workouts options. I will also include some warmups to get you ready for the workout. I am going to provide stretches so if you are feeling sore after a workout you can come back, and do the stretches needed. Right now I am working as a physical therapist aide. With that job I have learned the importance of proper body mechanics. I insure you with every workout I bring to you I will always be using proper form.

Start training with me today!

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