Evan Johnson App

Build Your Physique

Full-body, muscle building training programs
Majority of my workouts are going to be done in the gym, but I do have a few at-home routines that I will be sharing with you.
Intense Hypertrophy
Full Body Routines
Gym Program
PLUS, new workouts every week!
All-access pass to premium features
My app is one of the highest-rated on the App Store (and there’s a reason for that).
Ask me questions in the app
Easy-to-follow videos
Download workouts for offline
Stream workouts to your TV
Track your progress & collect health data
Share sweaty selfies to Instagram

Meet Evan Johnson
Hello, my name is Evan Johnson, growing up I’ve always been physically fit. I grew up playing every sport you can imagine as a kid and I never touched weights until I was out of high school for 2 years. Once I came to the realization that I wasn’t going to play college ball, I began to learn about weight lifting and hypertrophy training. This is where my life took a turn for the better. this is me sharing my experience on how I went from a skinny 115-pound kid to building the physique I have now.