Flat Stomach + Phat Ass - Hanah Jones
It's time to get results that last!
Join me and many others as we get ready for summer by slimming out that stomach and putting some pump in those glutes. 🍑
This is a 4 week challenge with a twist on my traditional quick and effective, Daily Grit workouts. It includes more focus on glutes and core to get them tight and toned for the summer. You get some extra core work in each workout, with three lower body/glute focused days and 2 full body days. This challenge is designed to help you continue your healthy lifestyle and seamlessly move right into the Daily Grit weekly workouts and continue your healthy nutritional habits as well.
These workouts are for the busy person who doesn’t have much time, but still wants to prioritize themselves and their goals! Your time may be limited, but your goals are not. That is why every single workout is under 30 minutes. Don’t let the time fool you. They are high intensity, extremely effective and super fun! All you need is a pair of dumbbells just like my Daily Grit weekly programming!
You have everything you need right here! 🍑
My goal is for you to take ALL of these tools and maintain them in your daily life! You will actually only enhance the quality of your life by improving your health and fitness and mindset. You will feel better, look better, and build discipline in your life. After all, discipline is freedom.
What the people are saying...
🍑 What you can win
$500 + 1 year subscription to The Daily Grit
Full Transformation Winner:
$500 + 1 year subscription to The Daily Grit

🍑 How to win
Complete the program & utilize the tools provided.
Engage on my App & Social Media by tagging me throughout your journey so I can follow along and support you there too!
There will be one random lifestyle winner + one winner based on before/after photos
NOTE: Photos are optional because this is much more then physical looks. However, in order to receive a prize, photos must be submitted as part of dedication I can see that you are putting in to the challenge.

✍️ How to enter
Download my app/sign up
To be eligible for the prizes, you must be subscribed to my app to access the challenge! If you are already a subscriber to the app, you still need to sign up for the challenge and submit your before photos in the link in the description of the intro video.
Submit before photos
Take a before picture and submit it through the link right after you sign up, no later than Monday, April 8th! AFTER photos must be submitted no later than Monday, May 6th! You must follow the guidelines on “How to take before & after pictures” in order to be one of the prize winners.
Participate in the community
Engage in the community on my App & on Social Media by tagging me throughout your journey so I can follow along and support you there too!
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