James Whipp App

Get in the best shape of your life
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Get in the best shape of your life

Introducing the James Whipp app
I’ll be providing you with the best skills & workout programs to ensure you stay consistent with my ongoing support. Gain lean muscle, strength, shred body fat & get in the best shape of your life and maintain your results long term. I can’t wait to join you on your journey!
Start 7-day free trial
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Achieve your fitness goals with my programming shown on a device

Achieve your fitness goals with my programming

I am bringing you the best, most effective training methods that have helped me.

Back & Biceps

Chest, Shoulders & Triceps

Quads & Hamstrings

Core Strength

PLUS, new workouts every week!

All-access pass to premium features

My app is one of the highest-rated on the App Store (and there’s a reason for that).

Ask me questions in the app

Easy-to-follow videos

​Download workouts for offline

​Stream workouts to your TV

​Track your progress & collect health data

​Share sweaty selfies to Instagram

All-access pass to 
premium features shown on a device
Meet James Whipp shown on a device

Meet James Whipp

Growing up in a small town just outside of London, I always dreamt BIG, an all or nothing kinda guy. I was never the athletic type growing up and was made fun of for being skinny. I fell into training simply by going along with a mate to the gym one time, I always had the competitive mindset and I very quickly fell in love with the process, how it made me feel and the results. I dedicated my life to health and fitness and quickly developed a physique that began to attract attention by renowned fitness photographers. I’ve competed several times in physique and bodybuilding shows globally, winning a handful of titles. With over 10 years of experience, I am determined and passionate towards sharing my knowledge to helping you achieve your best self! I’ve coached and changed lives of hundreds of clients globally as well as in person and I am very excited to have the opportunity to work with you on a more personal level through my app!

Start training with me today!

Get 7 days for free!

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