Josh Bailey App

Change starts here.

Full-body training programs
You can train at the gym, outdoors, or from home with minimal equipment.
HIIT Workouts
Daily Muscle Training
Leg Workouts
Full-Body Exercises
PLUS, new workouts every week!
All-access pass to premium features
My app is one of the highest-rated on the App Store (and there’s a reason for that).
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Easy-to-follow videos
Download workouts for offline
Stream workouts to your TV
Track your progress & collect health data
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Meet Josh Bailey
Josh Bailey, also known as the Muscle Chef, is a vigorous fitness professional who thrives to set the example of living an active lifestyle by staying physically fit and adopting a healthy way of life. Being dedicated to exercise and taking interest in cooking at an early age led to becoming a certified personal trainer and licensed chef where the delight for healthy cooking became a focal point. Josh’s passion and willingness effort to help others has allowed him to work with a wide variety of people from professional athletes to individuals with intellectual disabilities and also travel the globe working with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Josh’s company True Vine Health & Fitness is currently based out of Richmond, VA.