Karina Vee App

Ignite your best self from within

Tone & Sculpt your body with this program
Train your whole body with a variety of workouts to feel confident & strong.
Full Body Sculpt
Booty Build
Ab Shred
Quick Meditations
PLUS, new workouts every week!
All-access pass to premium features
My app is one of the highest-rated on the App Store (and there’s a reason for that).
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Easy-to-follow videos
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Stream workouts to your TV
Track your progress & collect health data
Share sweaty selfies to Instagram

Meet Karina Vee
I grew up a super active kid! I played many sports but really excelled in basketball. I also competed in track and danced ballet, jazz and salsa. Clearly, finding activities I liked was very easy, but, discovering the perfect career for me was a far greater challenge. The pressure to figure that out eventually led me into a corporate career – which I soon realized I hated. I developed really bad anxiety, was lost and felt unfulfilled. The one good thing it brought me, however, was helping me recognize exactly what I was passionate about pursuing – a career that allows me to help others. Around this time I also discovered the driving force behind my happiness – going to the gym & practicing yoga. So, I decided to take a leave of absence and do yoga teacher training in Bali. This decision forever changed my life. Shortly after, I got certified in personal training and began training clients, teaching yoga & boxing classes. For me, fitness is beyond just the way I look. I truly believe that it makes everyone feel strong & confident, and is crucial for one's mental health. I've been lucky enough to discover and maintain a happy and balanced lifestyle, and I want to help everyone who lets me, experience the same benefits. I believe that you create your own life. It’s really in your hands. I’m just here to offer a little love, support, and inspiration along the way!