Lucy Lismore

Simplifying health & fitness

Full-body, calisthenics training programs
See a real difference in your body & mindset when you enjoy the training you do.
Bodyweight Beginner
Handstand Program
Lower Body
Upper Body
PLUS, new workouts every week!
All-access pass to premium features
My app is one of the highest-rated on the App Store (and there’s a reason for that).
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Easy-to-follow videos
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Meet Lucy
Hey there! I specialize in helping women lose fat and develop strength, while using their body functionally and most importantly having fun with their training! To me health is not only working towards your goals, but also creating a relationship with your training that means you look forward to movement and living a healthy lifestyle every day, however that looks to you! I'm not your traditional personal trainer. 5 years ago I was 30kgs overweight, had never dared set foot in a gym and couldn't run 100 meters. I know the challenges that face beginners in the world of health and fitness and therefore strive not only to be your trainer, but your motivator, biggest cheerleader and friend, so together we will achieve your goals and have fun along the way!