Matt Bassetta App

Build Your Strength & Power
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Build Your Strength & Power

Introducing the Matt Bassetta, Fit4DutyCrew app
My app will have you burning fat and gaining lean muscle while increasing your strength, power, and performance. Take the strength and power you gain from my workouts, and apply that to everyday tasks.
Start 7-day free trial
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Strength & power building training programs shown on a device

Strength & power building training programs

Train a different set of muscle groups every day with these workouts.

Bodyweight Core

Bodyweight Push Day

Med Ball Madness

Lower Body Pull Day

PLUS, new workouts every week!

All-access pass to premium features

My app is one of the highest-rated on the App Store (and there’s a reason for that).

Ask me questions in the app

Easy-to-follow videos

​Download workouts for offline

​Stream workouts to your TV

​Track your progress & collect health data

​Share sweaty selfies to Instagram

All-access pass to 
premium features shown on a device
Meet Matt Bassetta shown on a device

Meet Matt Bassetta

My names Matt and this is my story. I started my fitness journey, bodybuilding, when I was 17 years old for sports in high school. Fast forward 10 years and fitness has now become my life. I am a police officer, certified personal trainer, core specialist, coach, and athlete. I have trained thousands of police officers and civilians in high performance fitness for the last 6 years. While in the NYPD academy, I started to develop a unique style of training that incorporated weight training, functional fitness, strength training, and tactical training. The goal of blending all these different trainings together was to become as powerful and explosive as possible while still getting shredded of course. The main focus of these workouts is to take the strength and power you gain from them, and apply that to everyday tasks!

Start training with me today!

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