Mckenzie Flinchum

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Handstand Progression
3 Weeks of Core
Training Day
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Meet McKenzie Flinchum
I have been involved with health and fitness my entire life. I started gymnastics at the age of 2 and competed in high-level gymnastics and karate through the age of 17. I studied nutrition in school, became a registered dietitian in 2016, and started a private practice. I am also a certified personal trainer. I am so passionate about helping my clients get healthier through both nutrition and training! In addition to coaching clients, I also am an elite Crossfit athlete. I placed 17th worldwide in the Crossfit Open in 2019, which earned me a spot to compete at the Crossfit Games that year. As an elite athlete, a nutrition coach, and a trainer, I am so passionate about the power of fitness and health on the quality of life. My workouts will be accommodating for many different levels and include a variety of different styles of workouts, such as strength, functional fitness, and even specific skills.