Meech App

Where fitness meets lifestyle

Train with a professional athlete
Get strong, toned, and shred fat with these programs.
Core Crusher
Basketball Techniques
Learn the Fundamentals
Full-body Burn
PLUS, new workouts every week!
All-access pass to premium features
My app is one of the highest-rated on the App Store (and there’s a reason for that).
Ask me questions in the app
Easy-to-follow videos
Download workouts for offline
Stream workouts to your TV
Track your progress & collect health data
Share sweaty selfies to Instagram

Meet Meech
Just a kid from a small little town with big dreams, I played NCAA D1 basketball, got my MBA, and went on to play basketball professionally in Australia. Now based in NYC, I have taken all the knowledge I’ve learned from over a decade in the fitness industry, and am applying it to help athletes all over the world become better and more fit. For the last several years, I’ve been a private personal trainer and group fitness instructor with a passion for building strong, fit, and healthy bodies. I’ve helped athletes of all levels on their fitness journeys across the world and I am excited to make it easier and more accessible to be MeechFIT. With this app I hope to continue to share my passion and join you on your fitness journey so we can become the best versions of ourselves together!