Natasha Swinford

Get strong with me 💪🏼

Workouts & Flows
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Hard Core Pilates
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Meet Natasha Swinford
Hi. I’m Natasha. I’m a Bay Area wife, and mother of 2 humans, 2 cats and a Golden Doodle. Breast cancer warrior. I have been teaching fitness for over 20 years in California and New York. I am a firm believer in cross training and creating workouts that are fun and enjoyable so it doesn’t feel like a chore. From handstand training to animal inspired, kettlebells, to sock sliding. Funky flow and HIIT yoga and creative Pilates. You’ll get a little bit of everything, learn skills and get strong along the way. Find me on Instagram hosting challenges and making shapes @natashaswinter and get a taste of my workouts on YouTube under “Natasha Fitness Made Fun”.