Nick Symmonds - 30 Days to a BIGGER Bench Press

30 Days to a BIGGER Bench Press


00 Days
00 Hours
00 Min
00 Sec

Congrats on completing the challenge!

Congrats to all of you who you participated in and completed my BIGGER Bench Challenge! I hope you not only had a ton of fun with this, but are walking away stronger and with a BIGGER personal best!!

If you’re interested in sticking around for our next challenge (to be announced soon!), and want to snag 25% off an annual membership, just click HERE, log in with your email address, and use discount code ‘Nick25” to upgrade and save! #ItPaysToBeFit

If you haven’t yet downloaded the app or subscribed, simply click here to get 25% off an annual membership.

Well done, everybody. I'm so glad I decided to do this challenge. It has bee grind and a half, but everyday I've done cardio I've followed it up with weight lifting. I'm in the best shape I've ever been in...
I can't believe it's over. Well done everyone! Thanks for all the inspiration
Let's goooooo!!!! Complete! It feels SO good! .5 walk, 5 mile run and 2.25 on the bike! Heck of a way to finish it off. Thanks for the opportunity and challenge Nick!
Riley B.
Great video! Thanks for the reminder to keep pushing through and not give up!
Love the app, love the YouTube content, overall amazing!

🏆 What you can win

🥇 How to win

  • I will be choosing 3 winners based on overall progress from before & after pictures/videos that are submitted.

  • I will also be choosing based on engagement in the app and Instagram throughout the entire length of the challenge.

  • Download the graphic (provided after you sign up) and share it on your Instagram by tagging me @nicksymmonds and using the hashtag #ItPaysToBeFit so I can see how you’re doing throughout the challenge!

What to expect

  • 4-week challenge

  • Access to gym and/or home workouts

  • Live Q&A

  • Designed for ALL fitness levels

  • $1,000 prize for winner! #ItPaysToBeFit

How to take before & after pictures


  • You can either be standing next to your weight from your one rep max or while you’re doing your one rep max.

  • Extra credit for videos!

✍️ How to enter


Sign up & download the app

Sign up starting March 8th (through April 2nd) on this page and download my app. If you already have the app downloaded, you just need to submit before/after photos or videos, and you’ll automatically have access to the challenge in my app!


Submit a before picture or video

Take a BEFORE picture and submit your photo no later than Sunday, April 2nd! You must follow the rules on “How to take before & after pictures” in order to be considered as one of the challenge winners. Follow the exact directions above for a chance to win the $1,000 cash prize


Engage in the app & on social

Tag me on Instagram @nicksymmonds and use the hashtag #ItPaysToBeFit so I can see your engagement! And don’t forget, you can DM me in the app - I’m here to help you achieve your goal.


Submit an after picture or video

Take an AFTER picture or video and submit it no later than May 7! You must follow the rules on “How to take before & after pictures” in order to be considered as one of the challenge winners.

Frequently asked questions