Sommer D

Get fit & tone your body

Gym-based training programs
Train a new way to see results.
20 minute HIIT
30 minute Sweat Sesh
Lower Body Part 1
Strong Core Part 1
PLUS, new workouts every week!
All-access pass to premium features
My app is one of the highest-rated on the App Store (and there’s a reason for that).
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Easy-to-follow videos
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Track your progress & collect health data
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Meet Sommer D
As a ISSA Elite trainer and certified specialist in nutrition & kettlebell training, I am here to share my knowledge and experience with you! I have always believed that mixing different styles of training is what makes a well-rounded athlete. With my programs, I will show you how this works and you will see a difference in your body in no time. The brand that I have created over the years is “Everyday is Leg Day”, so we will train our lower bodies more frequently, but don’t worry you will be even throughout your body. My goal is to incorporate bodybuilding, cross-training, functional training, and kettlebell workouts into your life. Together we will lose body fat, gain muscle & strength, improve our mobility and in turn we will move better, feel better, and be injury free!