Niki SugarySixPack - Joyfully Fit Jumpstart Challenge

About the challenge
- Lean & Strong (Vol 1 or Vol 2)
- Prenatal (any trimester)
- Core rehab (perfect for early postpartum)
- Get back to it (great for beginners or starting again after an extended period)
- Get Fit Guide (months 1 & 2. High impact/higher intensity)
- 30 Min Fit (great for those in a time crunch!)
- Fit Class 30 (I do the entire workout with you)
🏆 What you can win
1st Place:
- $250 cash
- 1 year membership to the SugarySixPack App
- Theragun mini
- MUSH variety pack
- Pack off Aloha bars
- Redmond – electrolyte post workout tub & travel sticks (your choice of flavor)
- Senita – gift cards or outfit
2nd Place:
- $150 cash
- 1 year membership to the SugarySixPack App
- Pack off Aloha bars
3rd Place:
- $100 cash
- 1 year membership to the SugarySixPack App
- Pack off Aloha bars

✍️ How to enter
Sign up for the challenge below and submit your before picture by Jan 5th along with your main goal for the challenge! This can be mental, physical, anything that is important to you!
Make sure to download the SugarySixPack App to participate
Follow any plan that is 6 weeks, there’s quite a few options for all levels! You can choose here so that you find something you will most enjoy and want to stick with!
(optional but fun) Post on Instagram tagging @sugarysixpack with the hashtag #sugarysixpack throughout the challenge so I can cheer you on!
Make sure to also follow @therabody in order to be eligible for the Grand Prize!
Submit your end of challenge picture by February 13th along with any mental breakthroughs, positive growth or mindset transformation you made!

🥇 How to win
Submit your pre challenge and end of challenge photos
Give it all you can! We have 6 weeks together to give it our all and make progress mentally and physically. The winners won’t just be picked by who has made the most drastic physical progress. We’re also focusing on creating a positive mindset around movement, our health, and the way you see yourself.
Join the support group on Facebook and get community support! It’s so much easier to stay committed when you’re engaged in a community of people with that same goal. Let us help you along:)