How to Create Circuit, Tabata & Drop Set Workouts


  • Use circuits to group multiple exercise templates together that should be performed in a sequence

  • Use circuits to create tabata workouts with built in rest time in between exercises

  • Create drop set workouts using the exercise template and adding reps


Use circuits to group multiple exercise (E) templates together to create a series of exercises that should be performed together with little or no rest in between.

For example:

  • “Chest Superset — 3 Rounds”

  • “Abs Circuit with 5 Exercises”

  • “HIIT Training — 4 Rounds”

How to Create a Circuit

  1. Click on Circuit when creating a new workout.

  2. Add the exercises that you would like in the circuit.

  3. Select the number of sets and rounds.

    Note: Add specifics in the description so users can see at a glance exactly how many rounds and reps of each exercise to perform

Here’s an example of what circuits look like in the consumer app:


Use circuits to create tabata workouts with built-in rest time in between exercises.

For example:

  • Tabata — 8 Rounds (20 second work, 10 second rest)
    • Mountain climbers (20 seconds)

    • Push-ups (20 seconds)

    • Squats (20 seconds)

    • Sit-ups (20 seconds)

How to Create a Tabata

  1. Click on Circuit when creating a new workout.

  2. Add the exercises that you would like in the tabata workout.

  3. Change the duration to “Sec” instead of “Rounds” and input time (i.e. 20 seconds).

  4. Go into the first exercise and click on “Add Set.”

  5. Select 10 seconds for the rest period.

    Note: Add specifics in the description so users can see at a glance all of the exercises they’ll be completing.

Here’s an example of what tabata training looks like in the consumer app:

Drop Set

Use the exercise template to create a drop set of workouts with rounds or to failure.

For example:

  • Dumbbell Drop Set
    • 75 pounds (8 to 10 reps or to failure)

    • 60 pounds (to failure)

    • 45 pounds (to failure)

    • 35 pounds (to failure)

How to Create a Drop Set

  1. When creating a new workout, add an exercise from the library or upload a new exercise.

  2. Select the first rep range and enter the number of reps.

    Note: You also have the option to set your reps “To Failure” during this step.
  3. Click “add set.”

  4. Select and add a lower rep range.

    Note: Add specifics in the description so users can see at a glance all of the exercises they’ll be completing.

Here’s an example of what a drop set looks like in the consumer app: