How to Film Program Intro Videos

Your program intro video helps subscribers understand exactly what’s in the new program you just created. This is a very important component to building a successful program because it 1) explains it 2) can include details to answer questions 3) feels like you’re involved and advising — giving subscribers a more personalized experience.

Here’s everything you need to know about filming a program intro video.

What to Say

  • Say hello!

  • Explain your program: the name, what it includes, etc.

  • Let them know what they will accomplish (weight loss, gain muscle, stress relief, etc.)

  • Talk about the structure and schedule (rest days, time to workout, etc.)

  • Explain how to make modifications (if needed)

  • Remind them to interact with you on the app and ask questions/leave feedback

  • Tell them to share their progress on social media

**NOTE: Keep it short & sweet! Aim for a video that's 45-60 seconds to keep people's attention.

Sample Scripts

Use these scripts as a starting point. Make modifications to customize and personalize your message.

Sample Script 1

Hi everyone and welcome to [Program Name]. This is a 4-week program designed to build muscle at home using mostly bodyweight. You will need dumbbells for some of the exercises, but if you don’t have them don’t worry — try using objects around the house like water gallons, cans, etc. There are 3 workouts per week that are about 1 hour each. Try to make time for 2-3 active rest days in addition to your workouts. Active rest days mean taking a walk, playing a sport, or doing something else you love that keeps you moving. Make sure to join my Facebook group so you can talk to others who are doing the program and don’t forget to ask me questions and leave feedback in the app. Let’s get ready to work!

Sample Script 2

Hello to my fellow yogis and welcome to my latest meditation series. This program contains a series of 10 meditations that you can do at any point in your day — all you need is five minutes to follow along. Make sure you are in a calming, quiet space when performing these and remember to do the breathing exercises we learned in my first series. Show me your meditation space by tagging me on Instagram @thisismyhandle. I recommend these meditations after you workout to soothe and recenter yourself. Check out my Yoga Flow 101 for a week’s worth of exercises to try.

WATCH: Great Program Intro Videos

Tips for Filming

Pick a good film location:

  • No background noise

  • Neutral background

  • Lots of natural light (or purchase a light like this one to help)

Other helpful tips:

  • You MUST film in portrait mode (This means vertical! Think: selfie video)

  • Look presentable and put-together

  • Be welcoming and energetic!

  • Project your voice and speak clearly

  • Have someone film you or purchase a tripod (this will come in handy for filming workouts, too!)

If you have any questions, please contact for assistance.