How to Set Custom Push Notifications


  • Send custom push notifications every time you publish a new workout

  • Keep your messaging to 200 characters or less

  • Use keywords and emojis to help your message stand out

Push notifications are a handy tool that show up on a user’s phone screen reminding them to interact with an app. You can now set custom notifications every time you publish a new workout to your app, including programs, categories, and challenges. Sending a custom notification is a great way to notify your users of new workouts while maintaining personalized, on-brand messaging.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Create a Workout

Create a new workout and tap on “Publish.”

Step 2: Add a Push Notification

Tap on “Add push notification” to set a custom notification.

Step 3: Write a Notification

Type out your custom notification — staying within the 200 character limit — and tap on “Done” when complete.

NOTE: Use keywords (new, exclusive, just added, etc.) and consider using emojis to make your notification stand out.

Step 4: Publish!

Select a program or category to publish your workout to and tap on “Publish Now.”

That’s it! Shortly after publishing your workout, a notification will be sent out to your subscribers.

Note: If you choose not to set a custom push notification, your subscribers will receive a default Playbook notification structured in the following way: “[your name] just published [workout title]!”