
Fitness Resolutions: 30 Challenges to Help You Get Fit in January 2022

New year, new you! Get moving with these workouts, plus tips for sticking with your goals.

Fitness resolutions
By December 30, 2021

It’s hard to believe, but 2022 is just mere days away, and with the blank slate of January comes the tradition of setting fitness resolutions for the year ahead. Whether you’re aiming to find an entirely new workout routine, learn a new skill, or develop a healthier lifestyle, we’ve got a workout challenge for you that will help you kick your wellness goals into high gear!

Check out the following workout programs in the Playbook app! Click the link to learn more about each challenge, including start date, entry rules, prizes, and more.

Challenges for a Mind-Body Reset:

Challenges for Building Strength & Getting Toned:

Challenges With Gym & Home Workouts

Challenges for At-Home Workout Fans

5 Tips to Stick With Your Fitness Resolutions

Setting a resolution is simple... sticking with it is the hard part.

Research shows that it takes 66 days for a new behavior to become a habit, so while getting into a new routine may be grueling at first, if you stick with your workouts, they will soon become second nature.

Here are a few tips for making your fitness resolutions stick!

1. Start Simple

Set short term goals for yourself and create one new positive habit at a time, rather than trying to tackle a full lifestyle overhaul at once. Make your goals realistic so they fit within your existing lifestyle, too. If you’re a busy mom, for example, try doing a 30-minute full-body workout during your lunch break rather than committing to a daily hour-long gym session. Once you’ve gotten into the habit of that routine, introduce a new goal to create another positive habit.

2. Find an Accountability Partner

Having a buddy to do your workouts with you can be incredibly motivating: a study found that 95% of those who began a weight-loss program with a friend completed the program, compared to a 76% completion rate for those who tackled the program alone. Even if you can’t find someone to do your workouts with in real time, having the support of a friend or partner can help motivate you to stick with your goals. So, grab a friend and pick a challenge from our list above!

3. Schedule Workouts Into Your Day

Just like you block time on your calendar for work meetings and personal appointments, try scheduling time on your calendar for your workouts! You can track your workouts with Playbook’s calendar feature, and even schedule workouts to keep you on track with your fitness goals.

4. Write Your Goals Down

Did you know you’re 42% more likely to meet your goals if you write them down? Find a piece of paper, write down your fitness goals for 2022, and stick it somewhere you’ll see it on a daily basis, like a mirror or next to your desk.

5. Commit to Moving More

Getting into a new routine is tough! Start by simply moving more on a daily basis. Squeeze in a quick walk whenever you can, take the stairs, or get up from your desk once an hour and do a few quick stretches to get your body moving.

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