
4 Tips for Fall Fitness & How to Stay Motivated Heading Into Winter

Use these tips for when your workout feels like a chore.

Fall fitness
By November 01, 2021

It’s safe to say that, for most people, working out isn’t always the easiest task. This is true for any season, but especially during fall and winter, as the months get colder and working out outdoors becomes less accessible. Personally, I enjoy biking outside and getting some fresh air as a way to break up my day in between work tasks — but when temperatures drop, it’s not always possible, so I have to find indoor alternatives that I enjoy too. And, with the holidays approaching, it’s important to find an enjoyable method to burn off the excess calories from all the holiday treats you may or may not be consuming (wink wink). Luckily, there are so many ways to keep yourself motivated and on track to reach your fall fitness goals. Check out our suggestions below.

Make Your Workouts Fun

For those who aren’t a fan of working out generally, it can feel near impossible to find the motivation to exercise when it’s cold out and you just want to snuggle up under a blanket. But, if you find a workout you genuinely enjoy, you might strike gold and find that long-lost motivation you’ve been searching for. If you’re a person who likes to go out dancing, try a program that gets your body in motion, or if you like running outdoors in the summer months, try converting to a treadmill to satisfy that runner’s high. If you enjoy what you’re doing, it’ll be much easier to figure out when to do it. The link between exercising and your mood is pretty strong, so finding a workout that makes you happy will keep you more motivated (and, with the help of exercise-induced endorphin release, happier overall) throughout the year.

If you’re looking for a fun workout, check out the following:

Find Friends to Join You

When the temperature drops, sometimes it feels easier to isolate and not leave the house. But, if you have friends motivating you — and you’re motivating them in return — to get your blood pumping, you can hold each other accountable. Whether you and your friends are actually doing the workout together, or you’re sending empowering and encouraging messages to help each other stay on track to reach your fitness goals, holding yourself accountable with friends will encourage you to keep going.

In fact, a weight loss study found that those who worked out with a partner lost more weight and waist inches than those who completed the program alone. So, grab yourself a workout buddy to increase your chances of success!

Start Small

If you’re new to working out, or want to establish a solid routine, start with a program designed for beginners. Instead of hitting the ground running with a challenging workout, start small and gradually work yourself up to boost your mood and your endurance. Studies show that just 15 minutes of running or walking will boost your mood and even fight off signs of depression — and as you build up your strength, you’ll realize that each workout will get easier and easier (even when the sheer task of starting the workout feels hard).

To get yourself out of a fall fitness rut, check out these workouts designed for beginners:

Join a Challenge

One of the hardest parts about being self-motivated in fitness is the lack of structure — so why not create some structure for yourself by joining a challenge? A challenge can be beneficial in helping you find a program that works for you and your needs/goals. If you just want to work on strength training, find a 30-day strength training challenge, or explore a running challenge if you still want to hit the pavement despite the cold weather. With challenges, you’re getting guided workouts, structure, and an incentive in the form of prizes, which is perfect for those with little time or motivation to do the planning themselves.

Here are a few challenges to motivate your fall fitness goals:

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